Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Long time no see!

Things have been really busy for me! Getting adjusted to college and all that! I will be doing how I'm making sure I DO NOT gain the freshman fifteen. I have loads of good snacks and tips I have already learned by being here. One of he most important is. Let yourself indulge. So many people are going to be eating junk food after junk food. It's okay to have that cookie or slice of pizza. Just stop at that! Savor that piece and enjoy then afterwords drink alot of water! To fill you up and to help those toxins leave your body;) thanks
Love bri!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Quinoa! Pasta type substitute!

Great for pasta lovers like myself! Low fat! Very low sodium! And no cholesterol! And is also gluten free! It is great. You can indulge without ruining your diet!

   205 calories! For 2oz dry! Like always watch your portions! Don't eat your whole box! Hahaha

Love love love! 

I can not live without my pasta and spaghetti! 

And now I don't have too! 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Juicing bible<3

 I am making one tonight! One of their smoothies and I will definitely most and tell you all about it! 
Let me know if you want videos or recipes for them! Glad too try them all out and let you know if its worth it or not ;) 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Healthy protein shake/smoothie/dessert

My smoothie fantastico! All it is 
Scoop of protein powder 
Almond milk 
Vanilla extract splash 
Dashes of cinnamon 

Taste so good and is sooooo goood for you! Taste like an actual strawberry smoothie not some artificial flavoring!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

YOGA! Breathe people breathe.

Yoga is a great way to wind down and exercise. Having to control your breathe and be able to hold your body for log periods of time in different positions! 

      I have a personal yoga trainer but there Are millions of yoga videos out there! Find the one that's perfect for you! 

Breathe. Yoga is vey hard its not the meditation stereotype everyone thinks. It's holding your entire body weight up in the air.

The more flexible you get the easy it will become. 

Flex flex flex !!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Tea is amazing for you! Especially oolong which is known for its weight loss properties! Teavana is my fav but I just picked up this kind! 0 calories and delish! 

But if you do need to sweeten it up use stevia..almond milk or German rock sugar! 
A variety pack like this will really help you figure out what flavors you like!!

Don't like water?? Try this!

Have an addiction to pop? Try this! It's sparking ice a.k.a carbonated water!
They come in delish flavors and the carbonated water makes it feel a little bit more like pop! 
Orange mango is my favorite!!! 
Drink up! Remember you want to only drink water and lots of it! Your body and skin will thank you for it!
Promise ;)


I probably should have done this first....an introduction.
Hello My name is Briana.

I am on the path to a healthier me! Daily tips and things that I find work for me and hopefully you too.
I will tell you straight off the back  I am not into the fad diets.

    STARVING yourself is not the answer and will never work...and of course SUPER DANGEROUS.

I am all about the natural stuff. Vitamins....TEA....Water...eating healthy....working out and finding different ways to have fun and work out at the same time.!

I will blog about foods I find along the way..what I eat daily...

I will add that I have a personal trainer 3 times a week and a personal yoga instructor once a week. I know not everyone can afford this so I do lots of things of my own as well.  

     I'm not a personal trainer nor anywhere close but I am someone you can relate too. I have been overweight for some time and am now into the normal range. I am still working to get even healthier.

I'd call it more like fitness for fattys ;)


BE ADVENTUROUS! That is my motto. I am on a fitness journey. First up! Kayaking! You would never think that you were working out!

Grab some friends and get paddling! It is such an amazing time.

         (It is even better when you flip the kayak)

You can bur so many calories with this. Your arms are constantly moving because as soon as you "take a break" you no longer are going anywhere! so you must keep MOVING!

Honestly I could do this for hours no problemo! It is such a blast and great way to exercise.

        For anyone who dreaaaads working out or doesn't know how to start: this is a great way to begin. 

I find that doing the same ole workout dvd will eventually lead to your doom. YOU MUST CHANGE IT UP TO SUCCEEEDD!